Legal Services
29 Mile Apartments (Racquet Club)
2915 Orchard Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Call-A-Lawyer Night
2nd Thu every other month 7:00pm-9:00pm
Dates for 2023: April 13, June 8, August 10, October 12, December 14.
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Disability rights, ADA compliance, advocacy, legal issues, policy development, legislation, training and consulting.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
Office: (303) 922-3344
Mobile: (970) 433-3668
Colorado Legal Services
422 White Avenue, Suite 300, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Mon-Fri 9:00am-11:00am & 1:00pm-4:00pm
Provides legal assistance for low-income individuals.
Disability Law Colorado
322 North 8th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Promoting and protecting the rights of people with disabilities, older people and their families through legal representation, advocacy, education & legislative analysis.
Hispanic Affairs Project
740 Gunnison Avenue, Suite 208, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Promoting immigrant integration in western Colorado through advocacy, direct assistance and community outreach. HAP programs include Immigration legal assistance, migrant outreach, education and organizing in issues impacting immigrants and low-income families.
Pro Bono Project of Mesa County
1129 Colorado Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Recruiting and coordinating volunteer lawyers to perform free and low-cost legal services for Mesa County residents who are low-income and victims of domestic violence.